Table 1

Search strategy

# 1((cognit* or attention or neurocognit* or neuropsycholog* or memory or mental or reasoning or executive) adj2 (interven* or training* or rehabilitat* or remediat* or stimulat* or activit* or enhanc* or exercis* or retrain*)).mp.
# 2((brain) adj2 (training* or rehabilitat* or remediat* or retrain*)).mp.
# 3(speed adj3 training).mp
# 4(video gam* or videogam* or wii or computer gam* or virtual reality).mp.
# 51 or 2 or 3 or 4
# 6parkinson$.mp
# 7exp Parkinson’s disease/
# 8exp Parkinsonism/
# 96 or 7 or 8
# 105 and 9
# 11limit 10 to yr=“2015 -Current”