Table 2

ORs from multinomial logistic regression analyses showing the association between lifestyle risk behaviours, self-rated health, life satisfaction, anxiety and depression in participants aged 69–69 years in HUNT2 (1995–1997, baseline) and the need for assistance in basic activities of daily living, mortality during follow-up and non-participation in HUNT3 (2006–2008, main and competing outcomes)

ADL independentADL disabilityMortality during follow-upNon-participation in HUNT3
nnOR*95% CInOR*95% CInOR*95% CI
Self-rated health
 Poor1422552.13(1.35 to 3.38)7111.84(1.59 to 2.13)10141.23(1.09 to 1.38)
 HADS-D≥8424171.58(0.91 to 2.73)2181.62(1.34 to 1.96)3211.32(1.12 to 1.55)
Sleep duration
 7–9 hours3020661.00Ref8011.00Ref13951.00Ref
 ≤6/≥10 hours589221.50(0.91 to 2.46)2461.32(1.11 to 1.57)3531.10(0.94 to 1.28)
Physical activity
 Inactive1547431.42(0.91 to 2.23)5531.44(1.25 to 1.67)9201.26(1.12 to 1.42)
Life satisfaction
 Poor524191.43(0.84 to 2.42)2771.67(1.40 to 1.98)4201.42(1.22 to 1.64)
Daily smoker
 Yes760251.43(0.89 to 2.28)5152.66(2.31 to 3.07)7642.12(1.88 to 2.39)
Sitting time
 ≤7 hours2431561.00Ref6191.00Ref11121.00Ref
 ≥8 hours901251.23(0.76 to 2.01)3191.47(1.25 to 1.73)4241.15(1.00 to 1.33)
 HADS-A≥8370101.10(0.55 to 2.21)1481.50(1.20 to 1.88)2451.30(1.09 to 1.57)
 CAGE≥213241.08(0.38 to 3.04)751.76(1.28 to 2.40)731.30(0.96 to 1.76)
Social participation
 Seldom, never1694430.94(0.60 to 1.46)6421.50(1.29 to 1.74)10631.62(1.44 to 1.84)
  • n varies from 5031 to 7692 in the various analyses due to different amounts of missing on the independent variables.

  • *Adjusted for gender, education, age, marital status and chronic illness.

  • ADL, activities of daily living; CAGE, Cut down, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye opener (questionnaire for problematic alcohol behaviour); HADS-A, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Anxiety; HADS-D, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale-Depression; HUNT, Nord-Trøndelag Health Study; ref, reference category.