Table 1

Transparency measures and analysed clinical trial samples

Transparency measureSamples analysed (from successful NDAs)
All trials (including those in healthy volunteers)Trials in patientsTrials subject to FDAAA*
Registered in a public registry by 13 months post FDA approvalXX
Either trial results or a CSR synopsis provided in a public registry by 13 months post FDA approvalXX
Published in a journal indexed in PubMed, Google Scholar or EMBASE by 13 months post FDA approvalXX
Results publicly available in some form (results or CSR synopsis in registry, or journal article) by 13 months post FDA approvalXX
Compliant with FDAAA—‘trial completion date’ interpretationX
Compliant with FDAAA—‘approval date’ interpretationX
  • *Trials that FDAAA defines as being covered by its results reporting requirements.

  • CSR, clinical study report; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; FDAAA, Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act; NDA, new drug application.