Table 1

Descriptive statistics of the variables assessed (n=50)

Demographic variables
Gender (n)29 Males, 21 Females
Age (years)
 Median (25% IQ–75% IQ)64 (55–71)
Ocular diagnosis (n)
 Retinal detachments/tears4
Registration status (n)
 Registered severely sight impaired18
 Registered sight impaired8
 Not registered24
Use of mobility aids (n)
 White cane or guide dog23
  No mobility aids used27
Have you been shown your visual field results before? (n)
Have you fallen in the previous 12 months?
Clinical function variablesMean (±SD)Median (25% IQ–75% IQ))Range
 Binocular distance visual acuity (logMAR)0.28 (±0.08)0.09 (−0.06 to 0.50)−0.28 to 3.00
 Binocular contrast sensitivity (logCS units)1.51 (±0.07)1.65 (1.30 to 1.95)0.00 to 1.95
Binocular visual field variables
 Binocular threshold (dB)10.87 (±1.19)10.14 (2.13 to 19.40)0.27 to 25.60
 Binocular suprathreshold (%)54.48 (±5.09)58.53 (18.8 to 93.18)2.27 to 98.86
 Binocular kinetic solid angle (deg2)5966.77 (±541.19)7355.7 (1783.80 to 9566.70)64.20 to 10 320.50
 Esterman (%)59.43 (±4.81)67.08 (33.33 to 90.83)0.00 to 100.00
 Integrated monocular threshold (dB)15.69 (±1.52)15.17 (4.88 to 26.48)0.90 to 31.96
Independent Mobility Questionnaire Person Measures (logits)−1.23 (±0.23)−1.26 (−2.29 to −0.09)−5.92 to 1.84
  • The mean±SD, and the median (IQR) are given for the clinical visual function variables. *Number of comorbid conditions from a list of 12 common medical conditions representing general health status82

  • logCS, logarithm of the contrast sensitivity; logMAR, logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; RP, retinitis pigmentosa.