Table 1

Distribution (percentage/mean) of all the variables in the analysis, observations (n) across ELSA waves 2–6 among respondents with walking speed data

Variables%/Mean (SD)Observations (n) across six wavesVariables%/Mean (SD)Observations (n) across six waves
Walking speed (m/s)0.9 (0.3)29 894Urban/rural
Chair stands Urban72.6%21 679
 Could not complete test17.5%2780 Town12.6%3771
 Completed test slower45.8%7288 Village10.8%3213
 Completed test faster36.8%5857 Hamlet4.0%1198
Frequency of public transport useMarital status
 Every day or nearly every day8.5%2540 Married65.0%19 429
 Two or three times a week14.4%4300 Separated/divorced9.8%2923
 Once a week11.2%3342 Widowed20.5%6117
 No use: no need27.9%8337 Never married4.8%1421
 No use: health problems5.5%1631Mobility difficulties
 No use: structural reasons32.6%9741 None40.7%12 155
Age 70.5 (7.7)29 894 1 to 337.6%11 233
Gender ≥421.8%6502
 Man45.9%13 728Functional status (ADLs)
 Woman54.1%16 166 No limitation82.1%24 538
Wealth quintiles At least 1 limitation17.9%5355
 Poorest16.4%4660 CES-D depression score 1.3 (1.8)29 579
 2nd18.8%5327Physical activity
 3rd21.2%5999 Sedentary5.0%1503
 fourth21.6%6135 Low26.1%7770
 Richest22.0%6245 Moderate51.1%15 236
Employment status High17.8%5321
 Employed16.8%5010Smoking status
 Retired74.0%22 081 Never smoked36.6%10 931
 Other9.2%2748 Ex-smoker52.1%15 551
Social class Current smoker11.2%3351
 Managerial32.2%9458Date/Day orientation
 Intermediate14.0%4093 All dates/day incorrect0.7%198
 Self-employed11.7%3434 3 incorrect0.6%192
 Lower supervisory10.5%3083 2 incorrect1.9%579
 Semi-routine31.6%9270 1 incorrect17.9%5357
Cohabiting status All dates/day correct78.8%23 548
 Living alone33.2%9909Access to car
 Living with partner66.9%19 985 Yes access to car83.4%24 944
Memory test (n of words)9.9 (3.6)29 833 No access to car16.6%4950
  • ADLs, activities of daily living; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Study; ELSA, English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.