Table 1

Number of Salmonella isolates for age group, year and average annual incidence in Calabria, Italy 2014–2015

Age groups2014 total cases (N. of isolates)2015 total cases (N. of isolates)Total casesAnnual average incidence Calabria/100 000Annual average incidence Italy/100 000
0–11 Months63927.413.5*
1–5 Years36145028.432.5*
6–14 Years137205.9 8*
15–64 Years6390.51.6*
≥65 Years95141.82.8*
  • *Distribution of the annual isolation rates of Salmonella spp serovars in Italy during the period between 2000 and 2011.5

  • †Number of total cases is different from the total cases number by age groups because of lack of information about age in three patients.

  • ‡Standardised incidence rate of Salmonella spp isolation.

  • §Notification rate for confirmed cases in 2011.14