Table 1

Actor ratings for assessment of fidelity including display of smoking cessation materials, adviser communication skills and content of the consultation

Actor 1Actor 2
NHS Stop Smoking Service poster displayed7590
Audio-visual information about the NHS Stop Smoking Service01209
Leaflets about the NHS Stop Smoking Service9363
Smoking prompts, for example, tar jar4818
Were other clients observed being asked about smoking?01209
Good body language6663
Good listening skills3963
Use open questions21036
Was topic of smoking raised01209
Was smoking raised directly11109
Was smoking raised indirectly01209
Was client told there is a smoking cessation service6609
Was service highlighted as free aside from NRT4809
Was it service highlighted as delivered by experts01209
Was it highlighted 4× higher success rate with programme21009
Asked whether client want referral to the service4809
Assess whether client ready to change21009
Close by saying door is always open5709
  • NHS, National Health Service; NRT, Nicotine Replacement Therapy.