Table 1

Search strategy for the MEDLINE electronic database using the Ovid interface

DatabaseSearch Terms
MEDLINE 1946 - present1. optic nerve/
2. optic nerve*.ti,ab,kf.
3. nervus opticus.ti,ab,kf.
4. second cranial nerve*.ti,ab,kf.
5. cranial nerve ii.ti,ab,kf.
6. cranial nerve 2.ti,ab,kf.
7. or/1–6
8. oligodendroglia/ or myelin sheath/
9. sheath.ti,ab,kf.
10. oligodendroglia.ti,ab,kf.
11. oligodendrocyte*.ti,ab,kf.
12. myelin.ti,ab,kf.
13. or/8–12
14. diameter*.ti/ab/kf.
15. diametre*.ti,ab,kf.
16. dilat*.ti/ab/kf.
17. thick*.ti,ab,kf.
18. volume.ti,ab,kf.
19. (swelling or swollen).ti,ab,kf.
20. oedema.ti,ab,kf.
21. or/14–20
22. intracranial pressure/
23. ((intracranial or subarachnoid*) adj2 pressure).ti,ab,kf.
24. intracranial hypertension/
25. intracranial hypertension.ti,ab,kf.
26. icp.ti,ab,kf.
27. papilledema/
28. papilledema*.ti,ab,kf.
29. or/22–28
30. (7 or 13) and 21 and 29