Table 2

Fidelity results calculated from % totals

Direct observations (DO)
% (SD)
Self-report (SR)
% (SD)
Audio 1 (AO)
% (SD)
Total % mean fidelity score (SD)82.7% (10)92.7% (6.4)81.7% (12)
% mean fidelity score per session (SD)*
 188.8% (5.24)95% (4.5)91.6% (4.5)
 282.8% (5.7)92% (6.9)86.8% (10.5)
 385.6% (12.9)96% (4.2)81.4% (10.6)
 483.3% (14.4)90.9% (8.3) 75% (14)
 5 74.1% (11.9) 89.4% (8.1) 78.7% (11)
 682% (9.6)92.7% (3.78) 74.9% (12)
% mean fidelity score per site (SD)*
 A (delivered twice, same physiotherapist) 78.7% (7.6) 95% (5.4)81.3% (11.5)
 B (delivered twice, two physiotherapists) 76.7% (5.6) 92.8% (5.3) 71.1% (10)
 C (delivered twice, two physiotherapists)84.8% (11.8)91.8% (7.7)84.9% (8.1)
 D87.2% (4)93.2% (2.9)87.1% (4.4)
 E83.1% (13)94.3% (3.8)88.3% (8.7)
 F 72.5% 85.2% (9.6) 72.9% (15)
 G100% (0)94.7% (4.4)92.8% (5.4)
% mean fidelity score per category (SD)†
 Materials 72.1% (19.4) 86% (17) 61.1% (29.6)
 Introduction and review82.6% (16.3)92.9% (12.8) 76.2% (24.5)
 Education93.3% (8.6)97.1% (6.6)95.4% (6.9)
 Exercise80.4% (14)95.4% (7.1)82.4% (13)
 Review and planning 77.1% (33) 90.8% (21.6) 69.8% (39.6)
% mean fidelity score per physio (SD)‡
 A1 78.8% (7.6) 95.1% (5.4)81.3% (11.5)
 B1 76.1% (7.9) 92.2% (7.2) 72.3% (9.3)
 B2 77.5% (0.4) 93.4% (3) 72.6% (12.5)
 C193.4% (2)85.2% (4.6)91% (3.5)
 C2 76.2% (11) 98.5% (1.9) 78.8% (6.6)
 D187.2% (4)93.2% (2.9)87.1% (4.4)
 E183.1% (13)94.3% (3.8)88.3% (8.7)
 F1 72.5% 85.2% (9.6) 69.8% (14.7)
 G1100% (0)94.7% (4.4)95.8% (5.4)
  • Bold values = scores<80%.

  • *Significant differences between sites (p<0.001) and between sessions (p=0.007) according to AO, not significantly different according to DO and SR.

  • †Significant differences between categories according to DO (p=0.007), SR (p<0.001) and AO (p<0.001).

  • ‡Significant differences between physiotherapists according to DO (p=0.019), SR (p=0.004) and AO (p<0.001).