Table 1

Expert characteristics

ExpertProfessionArea of expertise
 1Special operations command officerHSC operations, study population
 2Special operations command officerHSC operations, study population
 3Coastguard officerHSC operations, study population
 4Coastguard officerHSC operations, study population
 5Engineer, researcherHSC human factors engineering
 6Engineer, researcherHSC human factors engineering
 7Physician, researcherMedicine, human biomechanics, content validity
 8Physiotherapist, researcherEpidemiology, questionnaire development, musculoskeletal pain
 9Physiotherapist, researcherQuestionnaire development, musculoskeletal pain
 10PhysiotherapistOccupation therapist in the study population
  • HSC, high-speed craft.