Table 2

Interview guide practitioners and patients

Interview guide: health professionalsInterview guide: patients
  • To start with, could you tell me a bit about this ward/clinic/centre?

Prompts: Size? Practical work? Team?
  • How did you start working with PCC?

Prompts: First contact with PCC? When did you first hear about it? Where did the idea come from? Did you have a special training?
  • How did you implement PCC in the ward/clinic/centre? What did the implementation look like?

  • Could you tell me about a regular day at work with PCC?

  • Tell me about your practice and experiences with PCC on this ward/clinic/centre?

  • How would you describe PCC to someone who is coming to work with you on your ward/centre?

Prompts: How would you describe or define PCC?
  • How did patients react to PCC?

  • Would you tell me about any changes to your practice since you started working with PCC?

Prompts: Were there any changes in your ways of working? Relations with patients? Routines? Division of labour? Any changes-adaptions?
  • What kind of documentation do you use when you work with PCC? Do you use any tools, diaries, notebooks, written material as part of PCC during your day? Can you describe this for me? How do you use this documentation for PCC in your work?

  • What kinds of conditions do you think are required for PCC?

  • What kinds of things do you think helped PCC and what kinds of things made PCC difficult in your experience?

  • Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • Could you tell me about your experience of the care you received? How would you describe the care and treatment?

Prompts: Can you give examples of the kind of care you received? What did the routines look like?
  • How have you experienced the relationship between you and the staff? How did you experience the communication between you and the staff?

Prompts: In which ways, did you receive information? Did you discuss your care and treatment with the staff? Did the staff listen to your concerns and questions?
  • What has been important to you in the care that you received?

Prompts: How did you participate in decisions, have you been seen and listened to, information and communication about your care and treatment? Do you think that your resources/knowledge have been utilised?
  • Do you think that the care you received was different from the care you have experience in the past and (if applicable) the care that you received later?

Prompts: In what way did they differ? What changes have you noticed?
  • Are you familiar with the term person-centred care?

Prompts: If so, how would you describe PCC?
  • During the care process, which part(s) of the care and treatment received do you perceive were person centred?

  • Which parts of PCC meant the most to your experience of involvement/partnership?

Prompts: Could you give some examples? Procedures? Documentation? How staff looked after you? Something else?
  • Do you think that health professionals have been interested in you as a person?

  • Did you use an electronic health diary via the app or the web?

Prompts: How important was it for you? If not, did you use any other form of documentation tools or aids that had meaning for you?
  • Is there anything else you would like to add?

  • PCC, person-centred care.