Table 3

Suggestions for assessing delirium with the ICDSC54

1. Altered level of consciousness: choose one from A to E
A. Exaggerated response to normal stimulationSAS=5, 6, 7 or RASS =+1 to+4(1 point)
B. Normal wakefulnessSAS=4 or RASS=0(0 points)
C. Response to mild or moderate stimulation (follows commands)SAS=3 or RASS=−1 to −3(0 points)
D. Response only to intense and repeated stimulation (eg, loud voice and pain)SAS=2 or RASS=−4Stop assessment
E. No responseSAS=1 or RASS=−5Stop assessment
2. Inattention (1 point if any present)
A. Difficulty in following commands or
B. Easily distracted by external stimuli or
C. Difficulty in shifting focus
Does the patient follow you with their eyes?
3. Disorientation (1 point if any abnormality)
A. Mistake in either time, place or person
Does the patient recognise ICU caregivers who have cared for him/her and not recognise those that have not? What kind of place are you in? (list examples)
4. Hallucinations or delusions (1 point if any abnormality)
A. Equivocal evidence of hallucinations or a behaviour due to hallucinations (hallucination=perception of something that is not there with NO stimulus) or
B. Delusions or gross impairment of reality testing (delusion=false belief that is fixed/unchanging)
Any hallucinations now or over past 24 hours? Are you afraid of the people or things around you? (fear that is inappropriate to the clinical situation)
5. Psychomotor agitation or delay (1 point for either)
A. Hyperactivity requiring the use of additional sedative drugs or restraints in order to control potential danger (eg, pulling out intravenous lines or hitting staff) or
B. Hypoactive or clinically noticeable psychomotor slowing or delay
Based on documentation and observation during shift by primary caregiver
6. Inappropriate speech or mood (1 point for either)
A. Inappropriate, disorganised or incoherent speech or
B. Inappropriate mood related to events or situation
Is the patient apathetic to current clinical situation (ie, lack of emotion)? Any gross abnormalities in speech or mood? Is patient inappropriately demanding?
7. Sleep/wake cycle disturbance (1 point for any abnormality)
A. Sleeping less than four hours at night or
B. Waking frequently at night (does not include wakefulness initiated by medical staff or loud environment) or
C. Sleep ≥4 hours during day
Based on primary caregiver assessment
8. Symptom fluctuation (1 point for any)
Fluctuation of any of the above items (ie, 1–7) over 24 hours (eg, from one hospital shift to another)
Based on primary caregiver assessment
Total ICSDC score (add 1–8)
  • ICDSC, Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist; ICU, intensive care unit; RASS, Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale; SAS, Sedation Agitation Scale.