Table 3

Concurrent validity between traditional pen and paper versus electronic WOSI version completed within a 3-day interval (n=25)

WOSI paper WOSI e (1)Diff.95% LOASEM (%)MDC (%)CCC (95% CI)
Mean±SDRangeMean±SDRangeMean± SD
 Physical symptoms (0–1000)186.4±149.813–556192.5±185.04–6576.0±79.8−150; 162.456.4 (6)156.4 (16)0.89 (0.78 to 0.94)
 Sports, recreation, work (0–400)83.8±98.42–28996.1±112.50–29912.3±39.7−65.5; 90.128.1 (7)77.8 (20)0.92 (0.84 to 0.96)
 Lifestyle (0–400)92.5±101.10–31988.5±96.20–3304.0±28.3−51.5; 59.520.0 (5)55.5 (14)0.96 (0.91 to 0.98)
 Emotions (0–300)119.1±98.82–289114.1±111.30–3005.0±38.1−69.7; 79.726.9 (9)74.7 (25)0.94 (0.86 to 0.97)
WOSI total score (0–2100)481.8±414.424–1424491.2±480.75–15059.3±134.1−253.5; 272.194.8 (5)262.8 (13)0.96 (0.91 to 0.98)
  • CCC, Concordance Correlation Coefficient; Diff., difference; e (1), first electronic completion; ICC, Intra-class Correlation Coefficient; LOA, limits of agreement; MDC, minimal detectable change; WOSI, Western Ontario Shoulder Instability.