Table 1

Participating physicians by region and GW cases by speciality in South Korea*

Participating physicians by region in South Korea
RegionPCP (n=50)DERM (n=35)OB/GYN (n=65)URO (n=50)Overall (n=200)
Busan6 (12.0%)5 (14.3%)9 (13.8%)9 (18.0%)29 (14.5%)
Daegu3 (6.0%)3 (8.6%)8 (12.3%)7 (14.0%)21 (10.5%)
Daejeon2 (4.0%)2 (5.7%)5 (7.7%)4 (8.0%)13 (6.5%)
Gwangju2 (4.0%)3 (8.6%)4 (6.2%)4 (8.0%)13 (6.5%)
Seoul37 (74.0%)22 (62.9%)39 (60.0%)26 (52.0%)124 (62.0%)
Total physicians50356550200
GW cases by specialty in South Korea
Patients with GW7 (0.01%)15 (0.1%)147 (0.8%)133 (0.8%)302
New or existing GW
New case†4 (57.1%)6 (40.0%)74 (50.3%)78 (58.6%)163 (53.6%)
Existing case‡3 (42.9%)9 (60.0%)73 (49.7%)55 (41.4%)140 (46.3%)
Valid n patients715147133302
Existing cases
Recurrent case§3 (100.0%)3 (33.3%)43 (58.9%)29 (52.7%)78 (55.7%)
Resistant case¶6 (66.7%)30 (41.1%)26 (47.3%)62 (44.3%)
Total existing patients with GW397355140
  • *Physician percentages were calculated over the corresponding valid n. 

  • †GW not diagnosed previously by yourself or another physician.

  • ‡GW diagnosed previously by yourself or another physician.

  • §GW where previous episodes were resolved with treatment.

  • ¶GW where previous episodes were not resolved with treatment.

  • DERM, dermatologists; GW, genital warts; OB/GYN, obstetricians/gynaecologists; PCP, primary care physicians; URO, urologists.