Table 1

Client, provider and facility characteristics for outpatient visits for sick children in seven sub-Saharan African countries

Weighted n or mean% or SD
Total visits16 352
Total providers4627
Total facilities3898
Visit level
 Caregiver’s age (years)28.18.2
 Caregiver is female13 74491.2%
 Caregiver’s education
  Any primary870153.3%
  Any secondary343021.0%
  Any tertiary or higher4933.0%
 Caregiver is child’s parent14 44689.0%
 Child’s age (months)20.315.2
 Child is female790448.5%
 Client paid for visit676941.4%
 Client has insurance*310219.1%
 Duration of visit (min)12.915.8
 Reasons caregiver brought child to the facility†
  Fever11 89473.5%
  Cough11 10268.1%
  Problems feeding372423.0%
  Excessive sleepiness351621.7%
Provider level
 Provider is female755246.2%
 Provider’s years of education15.02.9
 Provider’s years since graduation9.910.0
 Provider years in this facility4.76.4
 Provider’s cadre
  Doctor or clinical officer748045.8%
  Non-clinical staff222413.6%
 Provider is a manager998761.5%
 Received recent training on sick child care633238.9%
 Number of in-service training topics covered in past 3 years5.03.4
Facility level
 Private facility346121.2%
 Received supportive supervision in last 6 months12 37876.2%
 Infrastructure index‡0.550.17
  • Data from Rwanda and Namibia are self-weighted, and in Malawi, a non-response weight is used. Data from Kenya, Senegal, Tanzania and Uganda are weighted to reflect sampling probability.

  • For some rows, denominators differ from the total ‘n’ owing to missing data.

  • *Client has medical aid, insurance or other prepayment plan.

  • †Caregivers could report multiple reasons for bringing the child to the facility for services.

  • ‡Mean proportion of 22 items including water, ambulance, electricity, phone, toilet, cleanliness, wait room, system for maintenance, sharps disposal, waste disposal, sterilised equipment storage, consumables storage, no expired medications, medication storage, medication supply, stock ledger, pourable water, soap, gloves, sharps box, surface disinfectant and hand disinfectant.