Table 5

Authorship summary scores and author ranks according to the authors’ degrees

Authors’ degrees
MD only
MD and master’s
MD and PhD
Profile scores, mean (SD)p Value*
Thinker0.05 (0.95)0.41 (0.84)0.24 (0.86)0.04 (1.02)−0.58 (1.04)−0.79 (0.86)<0.001
Scribe−0.36 (0.87)−0.02 (0.99)0.00 (0.97)0.46 (1.00)0.45 (0.95)−0.40 (0.85)<0.001
Soldier0.08 (0.98)−0.13 (1.02)0.21 (1.17)−0.38 (0.87)0.17 (0.91)0.62 (0.89)<0.001
Author rank, n (row %)p Value†
First41 (31.8)29 (22.5)15 (11.6)30 (23.3)7 (5.4)7 (5.4)<0.001
Second33 (30.3)16 (14.7)7 (6.4)26 (23.9)24 (22.0)3 (2.8)0.09
Middle262 (39.3)82 (12.3)50 (7.5)137 (20.5)89 (13.3)47 (7.0)reference
Next to last39 (33.9)14 (12.2)15 (13.0)27 (23.5)14 (12.2)6 (5.2)0.031
Last36 (30.3)34 (28.6)19 (16.0)28 (23.5)1 (0.8)1 (0.8)<0.001
  • *From linear regression models with the profile score as dependent variable, article as random factor and author degree category as fixed factor.

  • †From conditional logistic regression model with each author rank as dependent variable (versus middle position) and author degree category as predictor, conditional on article. p Values are for comparison with middle author rank.