Table 1

Intervention plans in the two youth social services

Immediate phase
(0–4 hours)
Physical security of victims and first aid by the staff present
Psychological first aidBy the staff present and by the ISBy the staff present
Session of individual or group verbalisation
Inform the hierarchyEvaluation of the need for a coordinating committee or postvention by the management
Postimmediate phase
(4–72 hours)
Assessment of the state and needs of the victims and witnesses by the IS
Inform the HSOAnd of all at-risk workers by the ISBy the IS
Offer different external options of support
Offer internal support (peer support)For the peer support cohort only
Solicit a specialist in postvention if necessary by the HSO
Support in administrative and justice proceduresBy the HSOBy the IS
Vigilance and re-evaluation of the needs if necessary
Application of administrative measures if necessary (two paid sick days)
Midterm phase
(72 hours and more)
Use of an external assistance resource if necessary (employee assistance programmes)
Participation in individual meetings of victims conducted by a peer support memberFor the peer support cohort only
Coordination of maintenance and reintegration strategies for employment by the HSO in collaboration with the IS
Vigilance, re-evaluation of the needs and offer additional support by the IS
Arrangement of the working conditions and support to return to work if necessary by the IS
Postevent analysisBy the IS and the HSOBy the IS
  • HSO, Heath and Security Office; IS, immediate superior; MYSS, Monteregie Youth Social Services; MYSS-UI, Montreal Youth Social Services-University Institute.