Table 1

Sample size of neuroimaging longitudinal studies in patients in the subacute stage after severe TBI

Authors/yearN (longitudinal)MethodMain finding
Venkatesan et al 201523 13Resting-state fMRIHippocampus – dorsolateral prefrontal cortex connectivity at subacute stage positively correlates with attentional performance at both subacute and chronic stages.
Sidaros et al 200824 23Diffusion MRIDiffusion tensor imaging (DTI) results at the subacute stage predict outcome 1 year later.
Sidaros et al 200927 24Diffusion MRIPercentage of brain volume changes at the subacute stage significantly improved prediction of long-term status as compared with clinical examination alone.
Rosanova et al 201220 5TMS-EEGChanges in effective connectivity accompany changes in LOC as clinically assessed. No prediction of outcome analyses.
Newcombe et al 201625 12Diffusion MRIChanges in white matter integrity significantly correlate with outcome.
Roy et al 201726 14Resting-state fMRIActivation patterns within the frontal default mode network and temporal-parietal attentional control regions is a significant predictor of cognitive performance.
Edlow et al 201628 11Diffusion MRIOptimal timing of DTI for TBI prognostication may be in the subacute period.
  • fMRI, functional MRI; LOC, loss of consciousness; TBI, traumatic brain injury; TMS-EEG, transcranial magnetic stimulation with electroencephalography.