Table 2

Unadjusted outcomes by maximum serum osmolarity categories in patients with or without respiratory admission diagnosis

OutcomePatients without respiratory disease (n=14 736)
(osmolaritymax, mmol/L)
p1 p2 Patients with respiratory disease (n=1750)
(osmolaritymax, mmol/L)
p1 p2
<289 (n=246)290–309 (n=8653)≥310 (n=5837)<289 (n=40)290–309 (n=816)≥310 (n=894)
Hospital mortality
(n (%))
22 (8.9)399 (4.6)1250 (21.4)0.002
9 (22.5)113 (13.8)258 (30.3)0.13
ICU mortality (n (%))15 (6.1)315 (3.6)991 (7.9)0.04
8 (20)91 (11.1)222 (24.8)0.09
Hospital LOS (days) median (IQR)5 (3–8)6 (4–10)11 (6–19)<0.001
5 (3–8)7 (4–11)11 (6–19)0.02
ICU LOS (days) median (IQR)1.8 (1.3–2.6)2.1 (1.3–3.3)3.8 (2.0–8.5)<0.001
2.1 (1.3–3)2.5 (1.5–4.7)5.0 (2.0–10.8)0.04
AKI (n (%))50 (20.3)2398 (27.7)3467 (59.3)0.01
8 (20)261 (31.9)532 (59.5)0.11
Max SOFA score median (IQR)4 (2–7)6 (3–8)8 (5–11)<0.001
4 (2–7.5)5 (3–8)8 (6–11)0.38
(n (%))
2 (0.8)150 (1.70)527 (9.0)0.27
1 (2.5)13 (1.6)71 (7.9)0.66
  • P1 represents the p value of comparisons between the group with osmolaritymax <289 mmoL/L and the group with osmolaritymax290–309 mmoL/L, and p2 represents the p value of comparisons between the groups with osmolaritymax  310 and 290–309 mmoL/L. osmolaritymax, maximum plasma osmolarity during ICU stay.

  • AKI, acute kidney injury; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; SOFA, sequential organ failure assessment.