Table 1

Sample characteristics, compared with characteristics of weekly drinkers aged 18–64 in the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS)

Study sample (n=2174)NDSHS 2013 (n=8165)
NHMRC risk status
 Low risk of harm in the short term and long term5147
 High risk of short-term harm, low risk of long-term harm1817
 Low risk of short-term harm, high risk of long-term harm34
 High risk of harm in the short term and long term2833
Perceived risk status
 Low risk59n/a
 At risk41n/a
Sex (% male)4858
 18–29 years5422
 30–64 years4678
Location (% metropolitan)6870
Socioeconomic status*
 Low (0–40%)3030
 Middle (41–80%)4444
 High (81–100%)2526
Completed tertiary education† (% yes)7072
Parent/carer of child of any age‡ (% yes)4346
M (SD)M (SD)
Age35.5 (14.5)42.0 (12.7)
Past 7 day alcohol consumption (standard drinks)12.6 (15.4)n/a
Alcohol identity (5-point scale: 1 weak alcohol identity—5 strong alcohol identity)2.7 (1.2)n/a
  • *n=18 missing in current study.

  • †n=288 missing in AIHW NDSHS.

  • ‡n=631 missing in AIHW NDSHS.

  • AIHW, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; NDSHS, National Drug Strategy Household Survey; NHMRC, National Health and Medical Research Council.