Table 3

Self-reported level of physical activity as measured by the RAPA Questionnaire

RAPA Classification
(RAPA Interpretation)
Number of participants (%*)
Aerobic activity
Under-active regular-light activities
 (Performs some light physical activity every week)
2 (18%)
Under-active regular activities
 (Performs moderate physical activities every week but <30 min a day or 5 days a week OR performs vigorous physical activities every week, but <20 min a day or 3 days a week)
5 (45%)
 (Performs 30 min or more a day of moderate physical activities, 5 or more days a week OR
performs 20 min or more a day of vigorous physical activities, 3 or more days a week)
4 (36%)
Anaerobic activity (measured as done more than once per week)
Strength training only
 (Performs activities to increase muscle strength, such as lifting weights or callisthenics, once a week or more)
1 (9%)
Flexibility only
 (Performs activities to improve flexibility, such as stretching or yoga, once a week or more)
2 (18%)
Strength and flexibility4 (36%)
Neither strength nor flexibility4 (36%)
  • *Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding to nearest %.

  • RAPA: Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity.