Table 1

Characteristics of participants in the study and univariate analysis results

Variables/valuesSample size (n)%HBsAg positive (n)Prevalence (%)
Age**16 6016704.04
Educational level**
 Primary school or lower734644.253054.15
 Junior school543132.712654.88
 High or polytechnic school273616.48762.78
 College or higher10886.55242.21
 Agriculture-based primary industry586235.312564.37
 Manufacturing-based secondary industry6233.75396.26
 Service-based tertiary industry242314.601325.45
 Other (students or retired)769346.342433.16
Living status**
 Single living529931.92811.53
 Non-single living11 30268.085895.21
Medical insurance
 Has medical insurance16 26297.966574.04
History of taking hepatitis B examinations*
 No14 36386.525994.17
History of surgery**
 No16 02696.546223.88
History of blood transfusion
 No16 50799.436664.03
Vaccination history of hepatitis B**
 No10 24361.705485.35
History of being away for 3 months
 No15 75894.926314.00
Family history of hepatitis B**
 No16 15597.316013.72
Living in coastal area**
 No10 78464.963743.47
  • *p<0.05; **p<0.0001.

  • HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen.