Item 26. Discussion: Implications
Discussion of policy, practice and/or research implications of the implementation strategy (specifically including scalability).Discussion of policy, practice and/or research implications of the intervention (specifically including sustainability).
Implications related to the implementation strategy

Implications related to the intervention
These initiatives suggest that both the practice redesign required for implementation of the CCM [Chronic Care Model] and linked educational strategies are achievable in resident continuity practices….
Durable implementation of the CCM in resident practices necessitates substantial commitment from local institutional, clinical and academic leadership.81
…the modest improvement in clinical outcomes observed in these practices in comparison with initiatives from single site initiatives reported in the literature suggests that effective care of patients with chronic illness may require prolonged continuity of care that poses a challenge in many resident practices, even in those committed to implementation of the CCM.81
Including a telephone option as part of a review service for people with asthma is a practical and cost-effective strategy for enhancing access… These findings have direct clinical implications and also policy implications for those setting standards for the Quality and Outcomes Framework of the UK GMS [General Medical Services] contract.18
The authors should reflect on:
  1. The implications of the success (or otherwise) of the implementation strategy, for research and practice.

  2. The health benefits (or otherwise) of implementing the intervention.

Targets might include citizens, practitioners interested in the health intervention, researchers interested in the conceptual and theoretical perspective, managers and clinical leaders interested in implementing the intervention and those interested in the broader policy implications. A key point for consideration will be ‘sustainability’ (the extent to which the intervention can continue to deliver its intended benefits over an extended period of time after any support has terminated) and how policy could be modified to support ongoing implementation.
Scalability, generalisability, applicability and transferability of the implementation strategy may need to be discussed.