Table 2

Scores to summate environmental factors related to smoking

a) Tobacco policy implementation score using EPOCH 1 variables
DomainItems in scoreMethod of calculation using measures from EPOCH 1
AvailabilityTobacco selling outlets<=2 in a community (+1 point)
PricePrice of cheapest brand ($PPP)<3.7c/cig (cheapest 30%) (+0 point)
3.7–8.7c/cig (cheapest 30–50%) (+1 point)
8.7–17c/cig (more expensive 50–75%) (+2 point)
17c and above (most expensive 25%) (+3 points)
Comprehensive bans on advertising and promotionNumber of tobacco advertisementsZero in a community (+1 point)
Point of sale advertisementsZero (+1 point)
Public informationSigns prohibiting smoking≥1 seen on observation walk of community (+1 point)
Point of sale information regarding harmful effects of smoking/tobaccoPresent (+1 point)
Direct health warningsNumber of warnings on packs2 warnings (+1 point)
Front of pack warningsPresent (+1 point)
Support to quitSale of cessation aidsPresent (+1 point)
  • Total possible score is 11, more points indicates better implementation of tobacco policies. Source: adapted from Joossens and colleagues.10