Table 1

Overview of measurement instruments and time of assessment

ConstructTypeStaff memberBaseline (T1)3 months (T2)6 months (T3)12 months (T4)
Outcome measures
 Pain and functionSPADIInterviewerXXXX
Shoulder problems
 Side of shoulder problem (i) right; (ii) left; (iii) both.Self-reported questionnaireInterviewerX
 Shoulder dominance (i) right; (ii) left; (iii) ambidexteritySelf-reported questionnaireInterviewerX
 History of previous shoulder problemsSelf-reported questionnaire (yes/no)InterviewerX
 What modality of treatment? ((i) no treatment; (ii) pharmacological treatment; (iii) injections; (iv) physical therapy; (v) other treatments (massage, reflexology, acupuncture)Self-reported questionnaireInterviewerXXXX
 Have you been convinced of this pathology?Self-reported questionnaire (yes/no)InterviewerXXXX
Potential prognostic factors
 Pain-related fear and kinesiophobiaFACSInterviewerXXXX
 Pain catastrophisingPSCInterviewerXXXX
 Active shoulder ROM-free of painManual InclinometerInterviewerXXXX
 Anxiety and depressionHADSInterviewerXXXX
 Patient expectations of recoverySelf-reported question (0–100)InterviewerXXXX
 Recurrence of shoulder painSelf-reported questionnaire (yes/no)InterviewerX
 Intensity of painNRSInterviewerXXXX
 Work status ((i) unemployment; (ii) sick leave; (iii) retirement; (iv) housewife; (v) active worker)Self-reported questionnaireInterviewerXXXX
 Work absenteeismSelf-reported questionnaireInterviewerXXXX
 Work performanceQuestion obtaining of HPQInterviewerXXXX
 Age, genderSelf-reported questionnaireInterviewerX
 Height, weightSelf-reported questionnaireInterviewerX
Educational level: (i) university/college ≥4 years; (ii) university/college 4 years; (iii) upper secondary; (iv) elementary secondary; (v) no studiesSelf-reported questionnaireInterviewerX
  • FACS, Fear-avoidance Components Scale; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; NRS, Numerical Rating Scale; PCS, Pain Catastrophising Scale; PSEQ, Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire; SCQ, Self-Administered Comorbidity Questionnaire.