Table 1

Number of facilities that reported offering surgical services per 100 000 population

Benin 2013Burkina Faso 2013DRC 2013Mauritania 2013Sierra Leone 2013Togo 2012Uganda 2013Zambia 2010
Basic surgical services (calculated among all facilities)
 Basic surgery8.710.11.011.511.
 Incision and drainage8.
 Wound debridement7.
 Acute burn management4.
 Closed fracture management0.
 Male circumcision4.
 Chest tube insertion0.
Comprehensive surgical services (calculated among facilities expected to offer service)
 Comprehensive surgery0.
 Tubal ligation0.
 Dilation and curettage0.
 Obstetric fistula repair0.
 Hernia repair0.
 Urethral stricture dilation0.
 Congenital hernia repair0.
 Neonatal surgery0.
 Cleft lip repair0.
 Contracture release0.
 Skin grafting0.
 Open fracture management0.
 Cataract surgery0.
Comprehensive obstetric care (calculated among facilities expected to offer the service)
 Comprehensive obstetric care0.
 Caesarean section0.
 Blood transfusion0.
 Comprehensive emergency obstetric care0.
Blood transfusion services
 Offered blood transfusion services0.
Emergency bellwether services
 Open fracture management0.
 Caesarean section0.
 Had all three services0.
  • The availability of basic surgical services was estimated among all facilities while that for comprehensive surgery, comprehensive obstetric care and blood transfusion services was calculated among facilities that were expected to offer the services. Surgical services are listed as basic, comprehensive, comprehensive obstetric care, blood transfusion services and emergency bellwether procedures (laparotomy, open fracture management and caesarean section).