Table 2

Awareness and use of lipid guidelines among respondents

Awareness and use of lipid guidelinesn (%)
Awareness of Malaysian CPG on management of dyslipidaemia (n=465)
 Yes456 (98.1)
 No9 (1.9)
Awareness of AHA guideline on treatment of blood cholesterol (n=463)
 Yes364 (78.6)
 No99 (21.4)
Use any lipid guidelines. (n=460)
 Yes440 (95.6)
 No20 (4.4)
Guidelines use (participants can choose more than one) (n=466)
 Malaysian CPG429 (92.1)
 AHA guideline*87 (18.7)
 ATP III guideline† revised 200811 (2.4)
 NICE guideline‡ 200842 (9.0)
 Others§1 (0.2)
  • *American Heart Association (AHA) guideline 2013 on the treatment of blood cholesterol to reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease (ASCVD) risk.

  • †Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) 2008.

  • ‡National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guideline on lipid modification 2008.

  • §The participant did not specify the guideline used.

  • ATP, Advance in Primary Care Training Programme; CPG, Clinical Practice Guideline.