Table 4

Factors associated with experiencing violence and experiencing violence plus witnessing IPV, female students

Model 1
Experienced violence from any perpetrator but did not witness shouting or physical parental violence, n=1190
Model 2
Experienced violence from any perpetrator and witnessed shouting or physical parental violence, n=2477
CharacteristicaOR95% CIp ValueaOR95% CIp Value
Age (years)0.970.83 to 1.140.7031.070.91 to 1.250.403
Ate at least 3 meals yesterday (vs less)1.240.99 to 1.560.0630.880.55 to 1.400.578
Share sleeping area with 2 or more children (vs less)0.680.53 to 0.890.0050.930.65 to 1.330.674
Share sleeping area with 1 or more adults (vs none)1.030.73 to 1.470.8531.470.77 to 2.830.239
Disability (vs not)1.230.30 to 5.090.7722.090.97 to 4.530.060
Work <1 hour per day11
Work 1–2 hours per day1.521.08 to 2.150.0171.721.04 to 2.860.036
Work more than 2 hours per day3.691.83 to 7.460.0014.501.78 to 11.330.002
Low SDQ score11
Medium SDQ score2.291.33 to 3.950.0043.841.69 to 8.720.002
High SDQ score1.850.91 to 3.780.0894.351.95 to 9.690.001
Used physical or sexual violence5.142.99 to 8.84<0.0018.125.15 to 12.80<0.001
  • aOR is adjusted OR, adjusted for all other variables in the model.

  • SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire.