Table 2

Summary of quantitative categories and variables

Data categoriesVariables
Patient demographicsAge
Count of address moves
Distance to practice
Distance to A&E
SIMD decile
Rural8 score
Health conditionsMultimorbidity count
Priority 1 read codes
Psychotropic medication prescribing (BNF chapter)
Secondary healthcare diagnoses (inpatient and outpatient)
Social vulnerabilityAdverse Childhood Experiences
Severe and Multiple Disadvantage
General social vulnerability coding frame
Healthcare usageBreast screening
Bowel screening
Cervical screening
BP checked
Child health surveillance
Practice nurse appointments
Other healthcare professional appointments
Primary care attendance distribution
Hospital referrals
Outpatient attendances
Hospital admissions
Emergency departments attendance
NHS 24 triage
GP out of hours
Ambulance services callouts
Healthcare engagementDNA codes
Refused screening
QOF exempt
Inappropriate use codes
Self-discharge codes
Study exitPatient death
Patient moved practice
Family linkageSecondary healthcare linkage with mother and child
Education dataSchool attendance
School exclusion
School attainment
Health outcomesCause of death
GP practice characteristicsPractice list size
Patient age distribution
Ethnicity category distribution
Patient rural8 score distribution
Patient SIMD score distribution
Patient distance to practice distribution
Patient distance to A&E distribution
Number of appointments offered/patients engaged past 3 years distribution
Number of days since appointments made distribution
Patient multimorbidity score distribution
Patient ACE score distribution
Patient SMD score distribution
Patient hospital referrals distribution
Primary care attendance pattern distribution
  • A&E, accident and emergency; ACE, Adverse Childhood Experiences; BNF, British National Formulary; BP, blood pressure; DNA, Did Not Attend; GP, general practitioner; NHS, National Health Service; QOF, Quality and Outcomes Framework; SMID, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation; SMR, Scottish Morbidity Record, SQA, Scottish Qualification Authority; SMD Severe and Multiple Disadvantage.