Table 2

Policies and observed use of MgSO4 for severe pre-eclampsia, eclampsia or HELLP, for fetal neuroprotection or for tocolysis in women delivering very preterm (<32 weeks of gestation) in European obstetrical units

Maternity units (n=119)Women with severe pre-eclampsia (n=720)Percentage of pre-eclamptic women receiving MgSO4 in unitsWomen without pre-eclampsia, eclampsia or HELLP (n=3658)Percentage of non-pre-eclamptic women receiving MgSO4 in units
n (%)n (%)Median (IQR)n (%)Median (IQR)
Unit policy for pre-eclampsia
 MgSO4 whenever possible49 (41.2)296 (41.1)25.0 (0–60.0)1623 (44.4)0 (0–3.0)
 MgSO4 sometimes49 (41.2)339 (47.1)12.5 (0–42.9)1554 (42.5)0 (0–0)
 Never5 (4.2)32 (4.4)0 (0–0)145 (4.0)0 (0–0)
 No response*16 (13.4)53 (7.4)34.8 (0–60.0)336 (9.2)0 (0–1.4)
Unit policy for neuroprotection
 MgSO4 whenever possible9 (7.6)69 (9.6)33.3 (16.7–72.7)260 (7.1)14.3 (0–37.8)
 MgSO4 sometimes19 (16.0)118 (16.4)20.0 (0–60.0)749 (20.5)0 (0–4.8)
 Never70 (58.8)454 (63.1)11.8 (0–50.0)2173 (59.4)0 (0–0)
 No response†21 (17.6)79 (11.0)36.4 (0–60.0)476 (13.0)0 (0–1.9)
MgSO4 is a first-line tocolytic1 (0.88)0 (0.0)0.08 (0.2)0.0
  • *Includes 10 units that returned the questionnaire, but did not respond to this question and six units that did not return the unit questionnaire.

  • †Includes 15 units that returned the questionnaire, but did not respond to this question and six units that did not return the unit questionnaire.

  • MgSO4, magnesium sulfate.