Table 1

Institution characteristics (n=122 institutions)

Total number of children (national estimate)48 775
Median number of children/institution (IQR*)21 (26.50)
Staff: child ratio, paid staff only1: 6.46
Staff: child ratio, including volunteers1: 5.47
MoSVY† oversight
 Percentage of institutions self-reporting MoSVY† registration68.03
 Percentage of institutions inspected by MoSVY†, 201429.51
Primary purpose of institution
 For children to live33.61%
 For children to study45.08%
 To care for the sick/disabled4.92%
 Religious institution4.92%
  • *IQR.

  • †Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation.

  • MoSVY, Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation.