Table 1

Transition probability parameters used in the model

ParameterMean estimateDistributionSource
Baseline monthly hazard rate of all-cause mortality for the first 8 years of the model (<75 years)0.009LN (−4.718, 0.012 SE)CPRD-ONS
HR (≥75 vs <75 years) of all-cause mortality for the first 8 years of the model2.801LN (1.030, 0.014 SE)CPRD-ONS
3-monthly risk of all-cause mortality in general populationAge variantFixedONS23
RR (HF patients vs general population) of all-cause mortality3.14β (199, 94)* HF/
β (176, 410)* gen. pop.
van Jaarsveld et al24
RR (HFpEF patients vs HFrEF patients) of all-cause mortality0.78β (766, 2865)* HFpEF/
β (584, 1621)* HFrEF
Nichols et al25
BNP HR of all-cause mortality for HFrEF patients <75 years0.68LN (−0.386, 0.177 SE)Brunner-La Rocca et al6
BNP HR of all-cause mortality for HFpEF patients <75 years0.76LN (−0.274, 0.487 SE)Brunner-La Rocca et al6
BNP HR of all-cause mortality for HFrEF patients ≥75 years0.87LN (−0.139, 0.148 SE)Brunner-La Rocca et al6
Baseline monthly hazard rate of all-cause hospitalisation (<75 years)0.066LN (−2.711, 0.008 SE)CPRD-ONS
HR (≥75 vs <75 years) of all-cause hospitalisation1.248LN (0.222, 0.010 SE)CPRD-ONS
BNP HR of all-cause hospitalisation0.94LN (−0.062, 0.062 SE)Troughton et al7
  • *β parameters were determined empirically.

  • CPRD, Clinical Practice Research Database; HES, Hospital Episode Statistics; LN, log normal; ONS, Office for National Statistics; RR, relative risk.