TableĀ 1

PLAYCE study day care centre, home and neighbourhood environment GIS-derived measures

Day care centre neighbourhood environment
Outdoor spaceArea of blocks that are not covered by day care centre building (outdoor space)
Green spaceAccess (distance) to parks, types and sizes of parks and quality (eg, playgrounds) of parks
Access to nature areas
Access to school grounds
Neighbourhood greenness
Traffic exposurePercentage of total length of roads within a service area that are NOT main roads
Home and neighbourhood environment
Home yard areaArea of residential blocks that are not covered by building (yard size)
Green spaceAccess to parks, types and sizes of parks and quality (eg, playgrounds) of parks
Access to nature areas
Access to school grounds
Neighbourhood greenness
Child-relevant destinationsAccess to kindergartens, child-centre-based care, child health clinics, family support services, play group venues
Street connectivityNumber of 3-way or greater intersections/service area
Land use mixAccess to utilitarian and recreational destinations. Evenness of spread of different land uses within a service area
Residential densityNumber of residential dwellings/residential land area in service area
Low traffic exposurePercentage of total length of roads within a service area that are NOT main roads
Public transport stopsNumber of public transport stops (bus and rail) within a service area
  • GIS, geographic information systems; PLAYCE, PLAY Spaces & Environments for Children's Physical Activity.