Table 1

Demographic factors and health measures describing the study population stratified by pain pattern subgroup

LBP subgroups based on clinical presentation (n=970)
Back dominant pain aggravated by flexion (P1) (n=405; 42%)Back dominant pain aggravated by extension (P2) (n=301; 31%)Constant leg dominant pain (P3) (n=164; 17%)Intermittent leg dominant pain (P4) (n=100; 10%)p Value*
Demographic factors
 Sex (% female)596146460.001
 Mean age (range)46.2±14.4
47.4±13.3, (19–85)62.9±14.1
Age groups (%)<0.001
Mean body mass index (kg/m2)26.4±5.527.6±6.328.1±6.028.4±5.5<0.001
Body mass index categories (%)0.004
 Normal weight (<25)47413224
 Overweight (25–29.9)33304146
 Obese (≥30)20292731
Health measures
 Mean number of chronic conditions (range)1.0±1.3 (0–11)1.4±1.5 (0–10)1.0±1.3 (0–5)1.9±1.8 (0–7)<0.001
 History of back problems (% yes)585059590.141
 Mean Oswestry per cent disability†33.3±17.233.7±17.744.4±19.138.2±17.8<0.001
 Mean EuroQol-5D summary score‡66.0±21.465.5±20.356.9±22.761.6±20.0<0.001
  • Data presented as mean±SD where indicated.

  • *p Value for χ2, analysis of variance or Fisher's exact test where appropriate.

  • †Higher percentage indicates greater disability.

  • ‡Scores decreasing from 100 indicate poorer health-related quality of life.

  • LBP, low back pain.