TableĀ 4

Factors loadings from the CFA for the final three-factor solution with 12 CAS items

Factors and loadings
Blamed me for causing their violent behaviour0.905
Told me I was crazy, stupid or not good enough0.841
Tried to convince my family, friends or children that I am crazy or tried to turn them against me0.870
Tried to keep me from seeing or talking to my friends or family0.830
Harassed me over the phone0.865
Followed me or hung around outside my house0.806
Tried to or forced me to have sex0.928
Made me perform sex acts that I did not enjoy or like0.850
Shook, pushed, grabbed or threw me0.922
Hit or tried to hit me with a fist or object, kicked or bit me0.912
Used a knife or gun or other weapon0.630
Locked me in the bedroom0.725
  • *Wording of original measure retained here; recommendations for item wording changes are presented later.

  • CAS, Composite Abuse Scale; CFA, confirmatory factor analysis.