Table 5

Physician use of research articles as administrators and advocates, with illustrative quotations

RoleSupporting quotations
Administrator (n=8)I read or had listened to a podcast about how to develop a better algorithm for treating pain, and they had given a list of references of articles that you should read…So I have to take this [set of papers] to the administration and say, ‘Look. These are the new guidelines that are being published. These are what people are saying. We need to switch. (MD-179, emergency medicine)
I did a lot of searches at that time having to do with wellness and managing disease because basically studies are starting to show that wellness programs where you get people's blood… is a waste of our time and money. You know, let's put the resources where they're really gonna make a difference, and so I was looking for a way, for articles that would support that. (MD-287, family medicine)
Advocate (n=2)I needed the full text to get some details…We're a new lung transplant program and we're smaller than most…I was just trying to make, actually, a presentation to insurance providers that they should pay for transplants at this center…because people can't drive to the nearest center that's larger and further away. (MD-174, pulmonologist)
One of the state legislators was being encouraged by a constituent to submit a bill on the topic, and she asked me what I thought about it. So I did some searching around to find out what I could find as far as whether there's any evidence to back up what this constituent was asking of here. (MD-81, family medicine)