Table 1

Characteristics of patients diagnosed with AHD, LP and NLP diagnosed in Sheba Medical Center between 2010 and 2015 (total number=356)

VariableCategoryTotal (%)AHD
N=57 (16%)
N=61 (17%)
N=238 (67%)
p Value (2 sided)
Male300 (84)41 (13.6%)51 (17%)208 (69.3%)
Female56 (16)16 (28.6%)10 (17.8%)30 (53.6%)
Transmission mode<0.0001
MSM217 (61)24 (11%)39 (18)154 (71)
Heterosexuals87 (24.4)28 (32.2)17 (19.5%)42 (48.3%)
IVDU52 (14.6)5 (9.6%)5 (9.6%)42 (80.8%)
Place of birth0.03
Israel246 (69.5)32 (13%)40 (16.3%)174 (70.7%)
East Europe92 (26)19 (20.6%)19 (20.6%)54 (58.8%)
Ethiopia16 (4.5)6 (37.5%)2 (12.5%)8 (50%)
Other002 (0.8%)
Median age at diagnosis40.236.834.40.0003
Age >50 years12 (21%)11 (18%)19 (8%)0.0002
  • AHD, advanced HIV disease; IVDU, intravenous drug user;

  • LP, late presenters; MSM, men who have sex with men;

  • NLP, not late presenters.