Table 2

Numbers and percentages for respondents that to a certain or great extent agreed to statements about emotions evoked in encounters with healthcare professionals.

I felt…Total number of responses, n (%)Positive encounters, n (%)I felt…Total number of responses, n (%)Negative encounters, n (%)
…respected499 (100)470 (94)…disappointed98 (100)61 (62)
…strengthened in my situation486 (100)433 (89)…angry/annoyed95 (100)58 (61)
…relieved/reassured494 (100)439 (89)…powerless98 (100)58 (59)
…liked477 (100)422 (89)…weak/low-spirited94 (100)52 (55)
…contended488 (100)429 (88)…submissive96 (100)53 (55)
…appreciated472 (100)385 (82)…sad96 (100)52 (54)
…optimistic482 (100)386 (80)…pessimistic96 (100)50 (52)
…energetic476 (100)370 (78)…misunderstood96 (100)47 (49)
…happy474 (100)364 (77)…anxious/scared96 (100)44 (46)
…proud460 (100)291 (63)…wronged96 (100)40 (42)
…ashamed94 (100)22 (23)
  • The question read: ‘How well do the following statements describe how you felt in your encounters with this person within healthcare?’ The response options ranged from 1 ‘Agree to a great extent’ to 4 ‘Do not agree at all’.