Table 6

Scenario analysis (eligible population is 16–35 years old)

Yearly gains/savings of getting employedYearly gains/savings of getting mainstream housingYearly non-healthcare gains/savingsYearly healthcare gains/savingsYearly gains/savings for overall economy
Eligible population is 16–65 years old, FTE=0.5016 722 263 (−155 189 to 33 567 680)8 025 662 (−1 439 527 to 17 575 351)24 747 926 (5 773 481 to 44 015 799)33 541 128 (10 398 380 to 55 132 937)58 259 054 (28 138 734 to 87 657 053)
Eligible population is 16–65 years old, FTE=0.8026 755 621 (−248 302 to 53 708 288)8 025 662 (−1 439 527 to 17 575 351)34 781 284 (6 805 948 to 62 951 554)33 541 128 (10 398 380 to 55 132 937)68 322 412 (31 760 921 to 104 500 191)
Eligible population is 16–35 years old, FTE=0.6510 478 454 (−96 244 to 20 968 657)5 492 162 (−991 468 to 12 028 084)15 970 616 (3 886 781 to 28 454 839)23 000 612 (7 036 658 to 38 686 582)38 971 228 (18 827 675 to 59 353 359)
Eligible population is 16–35 years old, FTE=0.508 060 349 (−74 034 to 16 129 736)5 492 162 (−991 468 to 12 028 084)13 552 511 (3 474 735 to 24 176 107)23 000 612 (7 036 658 to 38 686 582)36 553 123 (17 692 126 to 55 661 405)
Eligible population is 16–35 years old, FTE=0.8012 896 558 (−118 455 to 25 807 578)5 492 162 (−991 468 to 12 028 084)18 388 721 (4 259 501 to 32 757 572)23 000 612 (7 036 658 to 38 686 582)41 389 333 (19 865 352 to 63 267 322)
  • FTE, full-time equivalent.