Table 2

Elective abortion visibility divided by the reason for abortion

Reason for abortionn (%)AV% (95% CI)
Mistimed*20 (27.1)8 (5 to 11)
Unwanted*23 (31.1)8 (6 to 10)
Illegitimate pregnancy*†13 (17.6)5 (3 to 7)
‘Aghd’ period pregnancy*‡12 (16.2)8 (1 to 15)
Sex-selective abortion§2 (2.7)
Financial problems*1 (1.3)
Husband addiction*3 (4.0)
  • *Unintended pregnancy.

  • †Pregnancy outside of marriage.

  • ‡Pregnancy in girls whose marriages are legally recorded but they do not yet share accommodation with their husbands.

  • §Intended pregnancy.

  • ¶Not calculated because of small sample size.