Table 1

Characteristics of included studies

Author (year)CountryData sourceYear of dataSampleMean age of residents (% females)
Ackermann and Kemle (1998)31USANH and patient records1992–1997250 residents in a 92-bed NHØ 81.6 years (75%)
Barker et al (1994)32USANH utilisation review and hospital discharge data1982–19842120 residents newly admitted in 1982 (1700 from skilled and 420 from intermediate NH facilities)Skilled NH admissionsIntermediate NH admissions:
<65 years: 5.4%
65–84 years: 50.4%
85+ years: 44.2% (74%)
<65 years: 7.1%
65–84 years: 47.6%
85+ years: 45.2% (77%)
Carter (2003)22USAMassachusetts Medicaid data linked with data from the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review file (MEDPAR)*1991–199472 319 person-quarters from 527 NHsØ 82.9 years (79%)
Carter and Porell (2003)23USAMassachusetts Medicaid data linked with data from the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review file (MEDPAR)*1991–199472 319 person-quarters from 527 NHsØ 82.9 years (79%)
Carter and Porell (2006)24USAMassachusetts Medicaid data linked with data from the Medicare Provider Analysis and Review file (MEDPAR) and death registry data*1991–199369 119 person-quarters from 527 NHsØ 83.0 years (79%)
Cherubini et al (2012)38ItalyData from the longitudinal observational multicenter, prospective 1-year cohort study U.L.I.S.S.E20041466 long-term residents ≥65 years from 31 NHs65–84 years: 55.9%
85+ years: 44.1% (71%)
Dobalian (2004)25USAData from the Nursing Home Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-NHC)19965708 residents from 815 NHs<65 years: 9.1%
65–84 years: 53.3%
85+ years: 37.6% (66%)
Freiman and Murtaugh (1993)26USANational Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES), Medicare Automated Data Retrieval System (MADRS)19872790 residents ≥65 years from 744 NHsØ 83.1 years (74%)
Fried and Mor (1997)18USAData from regular assessments of NH residents owned by the National Health Corporation (NHC)1991–19933782 long-term residents ≥65 years newly admitted in 1991–1993 from 103 NHsØ 83 years (75%)
Hallgren et al (2016)39SwedenData from the longitudinal, open cohort, multipurpose Study of Health and Drugs in Elderly living in institutions (SHADES)2008–2010429 residents ≥65 years from 11 NHsØ 85.0 years (71%)
Intrator et al (1999)27USAMinimum data Set (MDS) and the Online Survey of Automated Records (OSCAR) from 10 states19932080 residents from 253 NHsØ 81 years (76%)
Kang et al (2011)28USAData from the 2004 National Nursing Home Survey200412 507 residents ≥50 years from 1174 NHsØ 79.9 years (72%)
Li et al (2016)33USAData from Maryland nursing home experience with care reports, MDS files, Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MEDPAR) and linked with several other databases2007–200814 013 long-term residents ≥65 years from 201 NHsØ 83.9 years (73%)
Mor et al (1997)29USAMinimum data Set (MDS), patient records and observation and data from interviews with staff1990 and 19934196 residents (1990: 2118; 1993: 2078) from 268 NHs1990:
Ø 81.3 years (78%)
Ø 81.7 years (76%)
O'Malley et al (2011)30USAMinimum data Set (MDS) and information from the Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System1998–2004687 956 residents newly admitted from 677 NHs
Ramroth et al (2005)19GermanyData from the German statutory nursing insurance and from the health insurance plans1999–20011926 residents newly admitted in 2000 from 97 NHs<70 years: 10.3%
70–79 years: 21.9%
80–89 years: 48.4%
90+ years: 19.4% (75%)
Ronald et al (2008)8CanadaAdministrative data from the British Columbia Linked Health Database (BCLHD)1996–199918 467 residents ≥65 years in BC NHs65–84 years: 48.4%
85+ years: 51.6% (70%)
Shapiro et al (1987)34CanadaData from the Manitoba Longitudinal Study on Aging which combined data from interviews with data from claims field routinely by physicians and hospitals1970–1977770 residents ≥65 years newly admitted in 1972–1976 or LT residentsNew admissions:
65–84 years: 64.0%
85+ years: 36.1% (66.4%)
LT residents:
65–84 years: 41.8%
85+ years: 58.3 (69.1%)
Suetens et al (2006)36BelgiumDates and cause of death and hospitalisation were collected every 6 months from the NHs2000–20032814 residents from 23 NHsØ 84.0 years (77%)
Tang et al (2010)37ChinaData were collected from the NHs and from the residents by using the Minimum data Set - Resident Assessment Instrument 2.0 (MDS-RAI 2.0)20011820 residents from 14 NHsØ 83.5 years (68%)
Tanuseputro et al (2015)35CanadaData from the Canadian Continuing Care Reporting System (CCRS) linked with Discharge Abstract Database (DAD) and the Registered Persons Database (RPDB)2010–201253 739 residents ≤105 years newly admitted in 2010–2012 from 640 NHs<70 years: 11.0%
70–79 years: 20.6%
80–89 years: 47.5%
90+ years: 20.8% (65%)
  • *These articles used the same data set.

  • LT, long term; NH, nursing home; Ø, mean.