Table 2

Data fields for the iBRA-2 study

FieldOptions (definitions)
Section 1: demographic data
AgeAge at diagnosis in years
HeightIn metres
WeightIn kilograms
Body mass indexActual BMI will be collected and categorised as—underweight (<18.5 kg/m2)/normal weight (18.5–24.9 kg/m2)/overweight (25–29.9 kg/m2)/obese (30–34.9 kg/m2)/severely obese (35–39.9 kg/m2)
Morbid obesity (>40 kg/m2)
Smoking statusCurrent smoker/ex-smoker >6 weeks/non-smoker
Other comorbiditiesIschaemic heart disease (yes/no); current steroid therapy (yes/no); other immunosuppressive therapy (yes/no); connective tissue disease (yes/no); other comorbidity (yes/no) with details
Prior and neoadjuvant treatments
Previous radiotherapy to ipsilateral breastYes/no
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy within 4–6 weeks of surgeryYes/no
Neoadjuvant endocrine therapyYes/no
Neoadjuvant radiotherapyYes/no
Previous surgery to ipsilateral breastWide-local excision (yes/no, if yes, date MM/YY);
Therapeutic mammaplasty (yes/no, if yes, date MM/YY);
Breast reduction (yes/no, if yes, date MM/YY);
Breast augmentation (yes/no, if yes, date MM/YY);
Other (yes/no, if yes, date MM/YY): State procedure
Previous surgery to ipsilateral axillaSentinel node biopsy with wide-local excision (yes/no, if yes, date MM/YY);
Stand-alone sentinel node biopsy (yes/no, if yes, date MM/YY);
Axillary sample (yes/no, if yes, date MM/YY);
Axillary clearance (yes/no, if yes, date MM/YY)
Section 2: operative data
Date of mastectomy±reconstructionDay/month/year
ASA grade
  1. Normal healthy individual

  2. Mild systemic disease that does not limit activities

  3. Severe systemic disease that limits activities but is not incapacitating

  4. Incapacitating systemic disease which is constantly life-threatening

Antibiotic useProphylactic (<24 hours)/1–5 days/extended course (5+ days)/until drains removed/other
Type of skin prep used at the time of surgeryIodine/Chlorhexidine/2% chlorprep/other
Procedure details collected for RIGHT and LEFT breasts separately
Procedure performedNone
Mastectomy only
Skin-sparing (nipple sacrificing) mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction
Nipple-sparing mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction
Skin reducing (Wise pattern) mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction
Wide-local excision
If IBR, type of reconstruction performedImplant-based/pedicled flap/free flap/other
If patient undergoing implant reconstruction
Implant reconstruction—planned procedureOne-stage reconstruction—insertion of permanent implant at initial surgery
Two-stage reconstruction—insertion of a tissue expander to be followed by insertion of a definitive implant
Immediate-delayed reconstruction—insertion of a temporary expander in patients for whom radiotherapy is anticipated with a plan to perform a definitive autologous (tissue-based) reconstruction after radiotherapy is complete
Mode of lower pole coverageNone/fascial or complete submuscular coverage/dermal sling/biological mesh (eg, Strattice)/synthetic mesh (eg, TiLOOP)/prepectoral implant with total ADM coverage, for example, BRAXON/prepectoral implant with dermal sling/ADM
Details of product for lower pole coverageStattice/SurgiMend/Native/BioDesign/Veritas/SERI/TiLOOP/TIGR/other
Prosthesis detailsFixed volume implant (size in ccs)
Temporary expander (volume of saline inserted in ml)
Combined implant, for example, Beckers (silicone component (g), size when fully expanded, volume of saline inserted in ml)
Polyurethene implant (yes/no)
If patient undergoing flap-based reconstruction
Type of pedicled flap performedAutologous LD flap (no implant)/LD with implant/Pedicled TRAM/other
If LD with implant, prosthesis detailsFixed volume implant (size in ccs)
Temporary expander (volume of saline inserted in ml)
Combined implant, for example, Beckers (silicone component (g), size when fully expanded, volume of saline inserted in ml)
Polyurethene implant (yes/no)
Type of free flap performedFree TRAM/DIEP/SIEA/SGAP/IGAP/TUG/other
Indication for surgeryMalignancy (invasive/DCIS)—first operation/malignancy (invasive/DCIS)—following failed BCS (WLE/TM)/risk reduction/symmetrisation
If failed BCS (positive margins) date of initial surgeryDay/month/year
Grade of primary operating surgeonConsultant/SAS doctor/Senior trainee (ST8+ or OPF)/ST6-7/ST5 or below
Mastectomy weightGrams
Axillary surgeryNone/sentinel node biopsy/axillary sample/axillary clearance/previous axillary staging
Section 3: postoperative oncology and MDT outcomes
Pathology details for RIGHT and LEFT breasts will be collected separately
For patients having neoadjuvant chemotherapy, complete pathological response?Yes/no
Invasive statusInvasive/DCIS
Grade of invasive disease/DCIS
  1. Low grade (DCIS) or well differentiated (invasive)

  2. Intermediate grade (DCIS) or moderately differentiated (invasive)

  3. High grade (DCIS) or poorly differentiated (invasive)

Histological typeDuctal/lobular/mixed/other
Number of tumoursSingle tumour or multifocal/centric tumours
Size of invasive tumourmm (largest if >1 ipsilateral tumour)
Total size of lesion including DCISIn pathological specimen (mm)
On pretreatment diagnostic imaging (if neoadjuvant therapy) (mm)
Receptor statusER—positive/negative/not known
HER-2—positive/negative/not known
Ki67—high/low/not known
Lymphovascular invasionYes/no/not known
Lymph node involvementNumber of involved lymph nodes (macro-metastases only)
Total number of lymph nodes in pathological specimen
Plan from the therapeutic (postoperative) MDT
Date of postoperative MDTDay/month/year
Further oncological surgery requiredNo/completion axillary clearance/re-excision of margins/other
Surgery, planned before adjuvant therapyYes with date (day/month/year)
Treatments recommended
ChemotherapyRecommended by MDT/not recommended by MDT/for discussion with patient/for Oncotype DX testing/chemotherapy already received
Biological therapy (eg, Herceptin)Recommended by MDT/not recommended by MDT
Radiotherapy to chest wallRecommended by MDT/not recommended by MDT/for discussion with patient/already received
If radiotherapy recommendedWith boost (yes/no)/to supraclavicular fossa (yes/no)/to axilla (yes/no)
Endocrine therapyRecommended by MDT/not recommended by MDT
Section 4: complication data
Please record any complications that occur BEFORE the start of adjuvant therapy OR in the first 6 weeks following surgery in patients not requiring chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Postoperative complication experiencedYes/no
If yes—details of surgical complications experienced (see table 3 for definitions)Seroma/haematoma/infection/mastectomy skin flap necrosis/nipple necrosis/wound dehiscence/implant loss/donor site skin necrosis/impaired flap perfusion requiring return to theatre for exploration or revision of anastomosis (flap salvage)/flap necrosis/other complication
Inhospital complications, including systemic complicationsYes/no
If yes, complication(s) experienced (see table 3 for definitions)Deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism/myocardial infarction/lower respiratory tract infection/blood transfusion/ unplanned admission to intensive care/high-dependency unit/urinary tract infection/surgical complication/other complication
Readmission to hospitalYes/no
If yes—date of readmission (day/month/year); reason for readmission
Return to theatre/reoperationYes/no
If yes—date of reoperation (day/month/year); reason for reoperation
Section 5: adjuvant therapy data
This section documents the time from LAST CANCER surgery to FIRST ADJUVANT treatment, that is, first dose of chemotherapy or first fraction of radiotherapy
Date of last definitive cancer surgeryDay/month/year
Chemotherapy—if offeredPatient accepts/patient declines
Oncotype DX risk stratificationHigh risk/intermediate risk/low risk
Chemotherapy recommended based on Oncotype DX scoreYes/no
Actual chemotherapy start dateDay/month/year
Was planned treatment modified, delayed or omitted (not given) due to a postoperative complication?Not affected/delayed/modified/omitted completely/details
Radiotherapy—if offeredPatient accepts/patient declines
Actual radiotherapy start dateDay/month/year
Was planned treatment modified, delayed or omitted (not given) due to a postoperative complication?Not affected/delayed/modified/omitted completely/details
All adjuvant therapies
Did any factors impact on time to delivery of adjuvant therapy?Yes/no/unsure
If yes, please tick any factors that apply
  1. Postoperative complication (yes/no)

  2. Capacity issue—lack of medical oncology appointments (yes/no)

  3. Capacity issue—lack of clinical oncology (RT) appointments (yes/no)

  4. Capacity issue—lack of radiotherapy planning slots (yes/no)

  5. Capacity issue—lack of chemotherapy delivery slots (yes/no)

  6. Capacity issue—lack of radiotherapy delivery slots (yes/no)

  7. Waiting for staging CT scan or results (yes/no)

  8. Waiting for staging bone scan or results (yes/no)

  9. Waiting for staging PET scan or results (yes/no)

  10. Waiting for ECHO or results (yes/no)

  11. Awaiting Oncotype DX results (yes/no)

  12. Administrative delay—problems with booking appointments (yes/no)

  13. Patient choice (yes/no)

  14. Patient-related issue, for example, needing physiopreradiotherapy (yes/no)

  15. Other (yes/no)—If yes, please give details

  • ADM, acellular dermal matrix; ASA, American society of Anesthesiology; BCS, breast-conserving surgery; CT, computerised tomography scan; DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ; DIEP, deep inferior epigastric perforator flap; ECHO, echocardiogram; ER, oestrogen receptor; HDU, high-dependency unit; IBR, immediate breast reconstruction; IGAP, inferior gluteal artery perforator flap; ITU, intensive therapy unit; LD, latissimus dorsi; MDT, multidisciplinary team; OPF, oncoplastic fellow; PET, positron emission tomography scan; RT, radiotherapy; SAS, Staff, Associate Specialist and Specialty Doctors; SGAP, superior gluteal artery perforator flap; SIEA, superficial inferior epigastric artery perforator flap; TM, therapeutic mammaplasty; TRAM, transverse rectus abdominus myocutaneous flap; TUG, transverse upper gracilis flap; WLE, wide-local excision.