Table 1

Search strategy used for PubMed and EMBASE bibliographic databases

Search terms
#1Any registry from WHO ICTRP OR “trial registry”[Title/Abstract] OR “trial register”[Title/Abstract] OR “trial registries”[Title/Abstract] OR “trials registry” [Title/Abstract] OR “registry of clinical trials” [Title/Abstract]
#2(“trial registration”[Title/Abstract] AND (discrepancy[Title/Abstract] OR discrepancies[Title/Abstract] OR consistency[Title/Abstract] OR inconsistency[Title/Abstract]))
#3#1 OR #2
#4(unregistered[Title/Abstract] OR non-publication[Title/Abstract] OR nonpublication[Title/Abstract] OR unpublished[Title/Abstract] OR published[Title/Abstract] OR (registered[Title/Abstract] AND (publication[Title/Abstract] OR clinical trial as topic [MeSH Terms])))
Note: For EMBASE, equivalent EMTREE is “clinical trial (topic)”.
#5#3 AND #4
#6(“outcome reporting bias”[Title/Abstract] OR “selective reporting”[Title/Abstract] OR “selective outcome reporting”[Title/Abstract] OR “missing outcome data”[Title/Abstract] OR “publication bias”[MeSH Terms] OR (“reporting quality”[Title/Abstract] AND publications[Title/Abstract]))
Note: For EMBASE, the publication bias MeSH Term has no equivalent and is removed.
#7#5 OR #6
  • ICTRP, International Clinical Trial Registry Platform; MeSH, Medical Subject Headings.