TableĀ 3

Future patient-reported outcome guidance provision

Trial protocolTrial trainingSOP
Suggested PRO-specific items of information13RNDMTMCPIRNDMTMCPIRNDMTMCPI
Purpose/importance of quality of life/patient-reported outcome data in trial******
How to administer the questionnaire******
How to input quality of life/patient-reported outcome data into the database**
When to administer the questionnaire********
What to do if there is missing data or in the event of scoring errors (eg, two answers provided instead of one, or reversed scoring)**
What to do if participants write additional information on their questionnaires (or attach a letter)*******
Ethical issues associated with quality of life/patient-reported outcome use****
How to deal with upset patients****
Working with non-English language patients********
How to support the participant to answer sensitive questions****
How to collect quality of life/patient-reported outcome data without biasing the results******
Collecting quality of life/patient-reported outcome data in different patient groups and/or settings***
Relevance and reasoning behind individual quality of life/patient-reported outcome questions****
How to deal with difficult situations****