Table 2

Knowledge general practitioners have regarding female genital cosmetic surgery (n=443)

Knowledge GPs have regarding FGCS (n=443)n (%, 95% CI)
GP feels they did not have adequate knowledge of FGCS333 (75%, 71% to 79%)
GP feels confident assessing genital appearance
 In female patients337 (76%, 72% to 80%)
 In male patients287 (65%, 60% to 69%)
GP acquired information regarding FGCS from
 Media74 (17%, 14% to 20%)
 Conferences96 (22%, 18% to 26%)
 Medical training49 (11%, 8% to 14%)
 RACGP FGCS resource26 (6%, 4% to 8%)
 Other health professionals98 (22%, 19% to 26%)
 Consumer websites30 (7%, 5% to 10%)
GP feels confident to give patient adequate advice for each of the following procedures
 Labiaplasty130 (54%, 47% to 60%)
 Hymenoplasty83 (34%, 29% to 40%)
 Perineoplasty62 (26%, 21% to 31%)
 Vaginal ‘rejuvenation’59 (24%, 19% to 30%)
 Clitoral hood reduction55 (23%, 18% to 28%)
 Vulval liposuction34 (14%, 10% to 19%)
 Orgasm shot10 (4%, 2% to 7%)
 G-spot augmentation11 (5%, 3% to 8%)