Table 5

Estimated means (95% CI) of EBM attitude and EBM knowledge of third year GP trainees from the GP specialty training in 2011

T0, baseline* (N=79)T1, end of third year† (N=66)T2, 1 year after graduation† (N=58)
EBM attitude
 Validated McColl questionnaire, adjusted for Dutch GP trainees15–17 (score 0–100)46.2 (42.9 to 49.6)48.4 (45.6 to 51.1)−2.1 (−6.5 to 2.3)52.5 (49.8 to 55.2)51.8 (49.1 to 54.4)0.8 (−3.1 to 4.6)59.5 (56.5 to 62.5)58.9 (56.2 to 61.6)0.6 (−3.6 to 4.7)
EBM knowledge
 Validated EBM knowledge questionnaire (MF Kortekaas et al, submitted) (score 0–50)29.9 (28.8 to 31.0)29.7 (28.5 to 30.8)0.2 (−1.4 to 1.9)29.8 (28.3 to 31.3)29.5 (28.0 to 31.0)0.3 (−1.8 to 2.4)30.3 (28.8 to 31.9)29.7 (28.2 to 31.2)0.6 (−1.6 to 2.8)
  • *Crude data.

  • †Adjusted for score on national GP knowledge test and repeated measures.

  • EBM, evidence-based medicine; GP, general practice.