TableĀ 2

Definition of commonly used terms

PriorityRanked importance when compared against other options.
High priority: Most relevant option. Must be implemented.
Priority: Significant importance. Second-order.
Low priority: Little importance. Not determining factor to major issue.
Unimportant: No relevance. Not for consideration.55
IntrusivenessThe level of intrusion or interference on one's choice to consume healthy or unhealthy food; engage in physical activity or sedentary behaviours; participate in another behaviour which directly affects energy balance, weight gain, loss or maintenance at a given time, within the implemented setting.
Cost to autonomyThe extent to which an option influences one's capacity to self-rule or regulate.
Predicted effectivenessThe perceived, comparative success of a policy option in reducing obesity prevalence, if fully implemented.
Policy optionAny federal, state or local government-led policy action.