Table 2

Characteristics of people (N=16 040) included in the multidatabase algorithm cohort (data from CPRD record unless otherwise stated)

n (%)
Age at index diagnosis date*
 18–29948 (6)
 30–391452 (9)
 40–492164 (13)
 50–592736 (17)
 60–692937 (18)
 70–793127 (20)
 80+2676 (17)
 Median (25–75%)62 (47–75)
 Male8406 (52)
 Female7634 (48)
Date of index diagnosis
 2000–20023336 (21)
 2003–20053867 (24)
 2006–20083962 (25)
 2009–20124875 (30)
Index diagnosis
 Jaundice†6951 (43)
 Obstructive jaundice2531 (16)
 Cholangitis1144 (7)
 Hepatitis unspecified408 (4)
 Chronic hepatitis541 (3)
 Other liver disorders528 (3)
 Biopsy of liver412 (3)
 Any other code‡3223 (20)
Liver test results§
 No liver test result7354 (46)
 Test results before index diagnosis4039 (25)
 Test results on or after index diagnosis4647 (29)
HES record¶
 No HES record3392 (21)
 HES record before index diagnosis923 (6)
 HES record on or after index diagnosis11 725 (73)
ONS mortality record**
 No ONS mortality record10 157 (63)
 Had ONS mortality record5883 (37)
  • *Date of diagnosis with one of the potential cholestatic liver injury codes listed in the online supplementary material.

  • †Includes codes ‘Jaundice—symptom’, ‘[d]jaundice’, ‘O/e—jaundiced’, ‘[d]jaundice (not of newborn)’.

  • ‡People in this group had an index diagnosis of any of the other codes listed in the online supplementary material.

  • §No liver test results=none within 90 days either side of index diagnosis date; test results before/after=closest liver test result was before/after the index and within 90 days.

  • ¶No HES record=no HES record ever (n=1080) or no record within 365 days either side of index diagnosis date (n=2312); HES record before/after index diagnosis=closest HES record was before/after the index and within 365 days.

  • **ONS mortality record at any time (after index diagnosis).

  • CPRD, Clinical Practice Research Datalink; HES, Hospital Episodes Statistics; ONS, Office of National Statistics.