Table 2

A summary of current challenges reported by patients/carers involved in the study in all four countries; theme expressed/accepted is indicated as ✓; if box empty, no opinion was expressed on the theme; for Irish and Dutch data: brackets show by whom theme is expressed (patients and/or carers)

ChallengesUK patients and carersGreek patients and carersDutch patients and carersIrish patients and carers
MiscellaneousVarious methods to remember to take medicinesLong waiting times to get medical helpDissatisfaction with patient education
Fragmented careHealthcare services and communication between HCPsCommunication between HCPs
Adherence to medication✓, inhalers especially challenging✓, inhalers especially challenging
Many reasons for patients' non-adherence to medication
Patients’ poor mental health✓(carers)
Limited healthcare resources for patients✓, limited or delayed access to resources and care (carers)
Reported satisfaction with24-hour COPD care in ‘HOT’ clinic at the UK research centrePulmonary clinic, pharmacist, care for diabetes and CHFSecretion clearance device
  • If no differentiation, then the theme is expressed only by patients, with no contribution from carers.

  • CHF, chronic heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; HCPs, healthcare professionals.