Table 3

Participant outcomes—change from baseline adjusted for gender

Change from baseline OT—control (SE) 95% CI
Measure2 weeks
3 months
6 months
BI0.7 (1.08)
−1.52 to 2.93
−0.13 (1.33)
−2.91 to 2.65
0.28 (1.12)
−2.06 to 2.61
NEADL−2.43 (4.59)
−11.92 to 7.07
3.72 (4.58)
−5.83 to 13.27
1.58 (5.28)
−9.47 to 12.64
EQ5D0.06 (0.17)
−0.30 to 0.42
−0.03 (0.15)
−0.35 to 0.28
0.23 (0.22)
−0.23 to 0.69
ASCOT0.07 (0.08)
−0.09 to 0.23
0.06 (0.11)
−0.18 to 0.30
0.04 (0.10)
−0.17 to 0.25
SF-36 PCS3.63 (3.38)
−3.36 to 10.64
1.52 (4.75)
−8.43 to 11.47
0.09 (5.33)
−11.06 to 11.24
SF-36 MCS6.60 (4.53)
−2.80 to 16.00
7.84 (3.17)
1.17 to 14.51*
3.39 (4.90)
−6.88 to 13.66
  • BI, Barthel index, scale: 0–20; NEADL, Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living, scale: 0–66; EQ5D, EQ-5D-3L, scale: −0.11 to 1; ASCOT, Adult Social Care Outcomes Toolkit, scale: 0–1; SF-36 PCS, Short-Form 36 Physical Component Summary, scale: 0–100; SF-36 MCS, Short-Form 36 Mental Component Summary, scale: 0–100; MMSE, mini-mental state examination, scale: 0–30.

  • *One outlier was removed from the analysis of the MCS at 3 months who had an extreme change score of −35.81, which caused a skew of the data.